
Santa’s Grotto first day fun! Still more to come!

Santa’s Grotto first day fun! Still more to come!

The first afternoon at Santa’s Grotto by the pier was an amazing success.  Said Friends of Bangor Garth Pier Chair Avril Wayte “What an amazing afternoon, full of Christmas cheer. Santa and his elves were on fine form. We had 47 children plus their parents visiting today.” In addition, some of the places were sponsored to enable children and families who might not otherwise be able to afford to see Santa to enjoy a visit to the grotto. “We are very grateful to Bangor Saints Football Club and Bangor Cathedral for sponsoring another 17 places on top of yesterday’s sponsors. What an amazing community we have in Bangor!! DIOLCH THANK YOU!” added Avril. Santa’s Grotto will be open on the weekends leading up to Christmas on 14th & 15th December and the 21stand 22nd December. To book a slot visit the Entrance Kiosk or check out our FBGP Facebook group page.


A successful Christmas on the Pier in spite of the weather!

A successful Christmas on the Pier in spite of the weather!

The Christmas on the Pier programme for 2024 was disrupted by the stormy weather in December which led to the cancellation of the Christmas Concert and ‘switching on’ of the lights. In spite of the weather our other planned activities took place and proved to be highly successful. Although there was no official ‘switching on’ of the Christmas lights, the pier looked brilliant throughout December, as the culmination of the Festival of Light, with the coloured lights on the railings and around the entrance gates and kiosks. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped to put the lights on the pier and to BCC’s Aaron who was in overall charge. The Sponsor a Light campaign raised £590 for FBGP funds. Santa’s Grotto in the Pier Master’s House proved more popular than ever. Over the first three weekends in December over 400 children visited Santa with their families. We were delighted this year that due to the generous sponsorship received from local community groups and individuals we...

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Penderfyniad trist I ganselo Tangwyllt Noson Calan oherwydd y tywydd. Mor sori. ... See MoreSee Less

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New Years Eve Fireworks event has been cancelled on safety grounds due to adverse weather forecast. Huge apologies. ... See MoreSee Less

1 CommentComment on Facebook

That's such a shame. You've had to cancel a few events this year due to the weather. It's ironic the weather deteriorates when you've got an event planned. It's not as though you can rearrange it 😔

Bydd y pier ar agor fel arfer dydd Mawrth 10/12
The pier will be open as normal Tuesday 10/12
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The pier will remain CLOSED all day today (Monday 9th December).
Bydd y pier AR GAU trw dydd heddiw (dydd Llun 9ed Rhagfyr)
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Even though pier closed tomorrow SUNDAY 8/12, the GROTTO WILL GO AHEAD as planned ... See MoreSee Less

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